INQAAHE Forum - 2014


The Forum of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) was held from May 26 till May 28, 2014 in Tallinn, Estonia.

The event was attended by 160 representatives of 64 countries. The main topics were devoted to engagement of stakeholders in the work of quality assurance agencies, enhancement of the role of internationalization of accrediting agencies and their recognition at both national and international level, accreditation of the new e-learning courses and the role of networks in the sphere of quality assurance.

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National Centre for Public Accreditation was represented by Vladimir Navodnov, Director, D.Sc. ad Galina Motova, Deputy Director, D.Sc.

G. Motova, Deputy Director of NCPA, Carol Bobby, Director of INQAAHE and
V. Navodnov, Director of NCPA

Please see more information on the official website of INQAAHE